.NET food for the brains!

from The Azure Podcast , on 1/26/2023 , played: 2978 time(s)

The team catches up with April Edwards to learn about the benefits of using Bicep to deploy Azure resources.


Media file: https://azpodcast.blob.core.windows.net/episodes/Episode452.mp3

YouTube: https://youtu.be/FhniwXjDBe0


IaC Blog: Infrastructure as Code - comparing tools (microsoft.com)

MS Learn path for BIcep: Learn Live: Use Bicep to deploy your Azure infrastructure as code - Events | Microsoft Learn

Learn Live: Building your first Bicep Template: Learn Live - Build your first Bicep template - YouTube

Learn Live: Build Your First Bicep Deployment Workflow using GitHub Actions : Learn Live - Build your first Bicep deployment workflow by using GitHub Actions - YouTube


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